Hey, this looks like a mound of TURD! Hah, fooled you- it's a mountain, dude. Dan would not do this sort of movie, but his guest hosts would, most notably, Matthew Kiernan. Matt is the weird friend, the missing link, in Dan's life. Matt specializes in obscure, cult movies. I daresay, if the flick features one or more deranged characters, then Matt has seen it. Well, the above movie is about as close as you'll get to an off-Hollywood cult film. It's so damn fringe that even Orlofsky doesn't index it, even though it's available on laserdisc.

So, here's my challenge to all of you obscure movie fans. If you are not Mr. Kiernan, read the hints below.

Hints: The messiah is finally ready to lead his followers to freedom. They've been living inside the mountain for years. They are society's poor, crippled, dejected outcasts. This is a combo horror-western-adventure movie, something that defies convention and good taste. For sure, the kind of movie Matt is likely to have seen.

And the answer is (in reverse): opoT lE

Notes: The quizmaster (Dan) got the correct answer in one guess. His pal, Matt, got it right in two guesses. Are these guys good, or what? Here's the story on the availabilty of this movie. On Roger Ebert's program (earlier this year), it was mentioned that this film is in copyright limbo. In other words, you are not likely to see this cult flick any time soon, especially on DVD. On the used video market, you may be able to purchase it as a Japanese import laserdisc. The issuer was Amuse Video (their part number is AML-0045). The transfer is sharp and vibrant. For a plot summary, please consult Danny Peary's Cult Movies, Volume 1. Forget about what Kael says about the movie. Thematically & stylistically, it is in a category of its own. If a movie like Last Tango in Paris needs no justification, then Jodorowsky's film needs no explanation for its existence or appreciation.


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